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  • foadkhademzadeh

Language Barriers and the ways to avoid it!

Updated: Mar 22

"Language Barrier" can have a huge negative impact for businesses or companies who try to connect with their consumers or target market. It could lead to misunderstanding and decrease the reputation of a company.

A simple example for language barrier: lets illustrate an advertisement , which Spanish language is used in it , is useless for people who only speak English!

One of the examples of a real-life marketing failure is , when Mercedes Benz launched a new car in China , and it was called "Bensi" which it translates to " rush to your death" in Chinese.

Language barrier is more important that you might believe, in the article from Lytho website you can find the huge companies that made this mistakes: 20 Examples of Funny Translation Fails in Advertising

How to avoid it:

  1. Hire an expert

  2. Identify your target market

  3. Research about the language

  4. Use visuals

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